
Three Emotional & Soft Osts Of 2019 You Should Listen !

(ENG) Here are three Osts you should not miss if you enjoy emotional and soft osts !
(FR) Trois Osts à ne pas manquer si vous adorez les Osts sentimentals et doux !

1. "I'm Alive" By Taylor
    This OST is from my favorite K-Drama of 2019, "Mr. Temporary" also known as "Class of lies".


2. "Horizon" By Hajin
    This OST is from the Drama "Watcher", a K-Drama I highly recommend if you're a fan of thriller and/or Seo Kang Joon !


3. "Blurry" By Elli K
     This OST is from the same K-Drama mentionned before.

Hey K-Lovers, which one have you enjoyed the most ? What is your favorite emotional Ost of 2019 ?

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