
Four MV Of 2020 By Girl Groups With A Dark Concept +analysis/interpretation !

This year, it seems that the Darkness has taken over the MV of most of the groups and notably girl groups. In this article you'll find four Girl groups MV of 2020 with a Dark Concept, in addition to their analysis.

1. BlackPink - 'How you like that'

With many references to the Greek Mythology and to the Superman DC Comic, this Music Video is the perfect portrayal of what BlackPink stands for. Indeed, in this clip, the dark (Black) and the bright/colorful (Pink) concept coexist, which may be one of the reason why this MV has successfully received tons of support from around the world.

But before going more in depth with my analysis and my interpretation, why not watch the MV ?

    Each of the members seems to portray an important person, a divinity, a meaningful character with a depth story, almost like a Superhero. In the begining they were vulnerable and at the end they've become a powerful individual being. Their evolution is quite flagrant. In DC comics, Superhero have a weakness, they struggle to become powerful in the beginning. They often wear a mask, a costume to symbolize their will to fight. In a scene (at the begining) we can see Rosé, suddenly wearing a black mask which can displays her will to fight and face the adversity.

    What also stands out is that in the beginning, they are shown as being underground and trapped, struggling to reach the light, but they've reincarnate as a Superhero who can fly at the end. That reincarnation was clearly symbolized by Rosé, before wearing a black mask, she was lying down in what may seems a grave :

    At the beginning, BlackPink seems to be in a greek building where the statue of the goddess of victory appears (Greek mythology). Lisa even says, "blackpink in your area" meaning the goddess of victory is them, their ultimate goal is to conquer the modern world. The statute possesses wings which are equally related to the famous Superman DC Comic line that was intentionally used at 2:23 by BlackPink:"Look up in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane." Interestingly, while they sing this lyric, we can admire first Rosé then Jisoo with the mythical status in the background:

    As you can see, the Goddess of Victory, the Statute in the beginning without her head, her arms and legs, is a representation of BlackPink. Or to be more accurate, they've become like the Goddess of Victory. They've have taken her divine power, her "costume", her wings, like a Superhero.

    The famous Superman DC Comic line is as important. Firtsly, it's a "b"ird it's a "p"lane stands for "B"lack and "P"ink. Moreover, it clearly demonstrates that BlackPink, is taking over the world as a "Superhero." In essence, BlackPink is a Superhero, a Goddess of Victory.

    At the last part of the MV, Trojan horses makes their apparition. These famous horses in the Greek Mythology are positionned right below and in front of the map of the world in the clip. BlackPink stands in front of these elements while dancing and singing. This clearly establishes BlackPink's world domination. It also explains Jisoo's lines "you should have ended me when you had the chance" meaning you should detect trojan horses before they enter your place. Indeed, once Trojan Horses enter your area, it's already too late. In the mythology, Torjan Horses were used by the Greek to enter the independant city of Troy and they've won with this strategy. The "BlackPink in your area" makes all it sense in this scene. They've successfully conquered the world and it's too late to stop their domination now. It is also interesting to note the colors used in the last part, the pink and the black colors, which emphazises the cohabitation and the masterization of both their dark side and bright side to dominate.

    With that being established, the MV can be interpreted as a message to their haters. Indeed, the lyrics of the chorus is explicitly provocative and seems to target their ennemy (and/or haters):
"Look at you, now look at me,
How you like that? "


2. Dreamcatcher - 'Scream'

Even if the title alone speaks for itself, the other aspects of this clip clearly symbolizes the darkness and occultism.

Before going in details of the MV, it would be usefull to watch it:

Let me unveil some key parts of the MV.
In the begining, the MV starts with a little introductive story telling and showing the light has disappeared. Only darkness remains. We also can witness the apparition of some dark mages known to use sorcery, black magic, occultism. They also appear at the end of the MV.
The song in itself is scary and dark, the electric guitars amplifies this feeling as well as the "scream" voice we can hear.
The colors in this MV also displays the darkness. Indeed, we can notice the red and black colors in some of the choreohraphy scenes, which clearly reflects the colors of Satan.
In their choreography, the "Satanic" hand sign is being used a lot (with their right hands).
The lyrics also demonstrates their will to summon the Devil. To give an example :
"Devil eyes come, I open my eyes" 
This line is also a reference to the "Eye of the devil", a 1966 British mystery/horror film with occult and supernatural themes. The film itself is based on the novel "Day of the Arrow".

Let's decipher the story and the meaning behind this clip.
To begin with, the sentence formulated sets the tone:
"Light has disappeared, people were no longer saying good things"
-> This sentence means two things :
1) The darkness has taken over them all, the world, their haters and ultimately them (dreamcatcher).
2) Only remains their haters saying bad things and ultimately Dreamcatcher becoming like their haters using their technique associated to the help of Satan to beat them.
Thus, it is important to keep in mind their MV, like BlackPink "How you like that", is directly targeted at their haters. However, unlike BlackPink, their strategy to beat their haters is to use the same method as their haters while summoning and becoming like Satan in order to horrify their haters.

In their entire MV everything is being explicitly shown.
At 1:05, a black shadow is pursuing a member. After that, she's trapped and the shadow has taken over her body completely. Then, the members are taking off a white mask, while wearing black clothes.
-> This means the Darkness has won their body and soul, which imply, from now on, they will let the Devil overcome their mind and personality, they will not hide their dark nature, they will expose it.

At 1:45, the lyrics are as follow :
"Words like a sharp blade, even though they wound me and dig into me, my breath can't stop"
-> It is clear that it is destined to their haters. Dreamcatcher demonstrates the hate speech of their haters ("words like a sharp blade") cannot destroy them entirely even though they hurt them, they are simply wounds, they are not powerful enough to kill them.

Right after, at 1:58, everything is more clear, as the members all appears with some dark clothes (long dresses), with a confident look prominently showing their strength as they've successfully let the Darkness take control over them which allows them in return to surpass their haters. Hence, while BlackPink surpass their haters by being transformed into the greatest superhero conquering the world, Dreamcatcher overshadows them by becoming more frightening.

At 2:13 we can see the "Theban alphabet". From Wikipedia :
"The Theban alphabet is a writing system, in particular a substitution cipher of the Latin alphabet, used by early modern occultists and popular in the Wicca movement."
-> It confirms they are using occultism to gain Satan's power.

At 2:23, Gayeon, wearing white clothes says "I open my eyes" while doing the Satan hand sign symbol in heir eyes.

-> This again displays their will to summon Satan and to let him guide them.

Amplified by the dancing in the brilliant red and black colors, the following lyrics are:"Don't be sad no more, forget everything you've seen, believe that nothing ever happened"

->This imply Satan has been summoned, and it is him who is saying these words to Dreamcatcher. Satan is guiding them by indicating how to follow his footsteps. Satan is telling them to forget their old self in order to reincarnate as someone like him. It is in that way they'll become happy and terrifying.

Indeed, right after, the lyrics tells "one by one everyone becomes crazy, I just wanna make you scream" -> They've gained Satan's ability in making their haters crazy (sick) and scared.

The following lyrics "everyone watch me and scream" makes all it sense.  In other words, if their haters are watching them, it is like they are watching Satan which will makes them scared.


3.(G)I-DLE - 'Oh My God'

With a direct reference to the Bible, this Music Video fully embraces the Satanic dark concept.

Before analyzing the MV, let's watch it:

I'll focus on analyzing the helpful lyrics to thoroughly identify the meaning of the clip.
 "Help me, help me as if I'm out of breath,
Set me free, set me free as if I'm gonna melt
So sick"
-> Notice the similarity with Dreamcatcher, where they are looking after help from a powerful entity. However, the purpose is not the same. While Dreamtcacher seeks vengeance (a sin), G-iddle falls for temptation (a sin) consciously. They are aware of what they do. They want liberation ("set me free"), meanings their freedom lies in the temptation.

"Oh my god,
she took me to the sky
she showed me all the stars"
-> Their God is a woman ("she"). They are begging for help from their god which is not the usual Christian God.

"Baby as if you rush into me come in"
-> They knowingly allow their god to take control over their body and so their mind.

On top of that the lyrics of the rap part are quite explicit. Soyeon is asking:

"oh god how could you put me into this temptation, is it a call from hell?"

-> Their god of temptation is calling them from hell.

"Can't stop how could I get away from her?"
-> "her" in this context is the temptation which is also depicted as their god. Soyeon is conscious she can't escape from the Devil.

"Insanely beautiful yet seems like a Devil"
->  At this point, you will notice a similarity with the lyrics of "Monster" by Irene and Seulgi. But we'll examine that after. For the present, while these lines are playing, the clip reveals a member wearing a white dress. They describes the Devil. This signify that the god of temptation is intentionally hiding his true colors behind a graceful mask. The Devil takes the appearance of something innocent.
"You make me to loose my mind and let yourself in"
->  They also says that this Devil, the God of temptation, enters their mind and body, in order to control them. Like a poison, they becomes sick.

In addition, there is a scene where we see a white apple.This pale apple symbolizes the Devil, the God of Temptation. The Devil looks beautiful and pure. However, his diabolical nature is toxic. We can compare this scene with the Disney "Snow white" which equally has the same meaning.

Note : I had a Christian friend, who've informed me that saying "oh my god" (Or even "god") is a sin if we declare that without being religious (Christian). In Christianity there is invariably only one God. Therefore calling and praying fervently another deity remains a capital sin in Christianity.


4. Irene Seulgi - 'Monster'

With the official title, we can instantly tell the key concept of the MV without major difficulty. However, the peculiarity of this MV is the clever devil is playing with us.

Before going in depth to the interpretation, have a look at the MV.

Analyzing the video and the lyrics are both important in this MV to get all the clues.
Many references to the european/christian churches were shown as well as the portrayal of Satan by a fierce woman hiding her/his true form (monster). The song is also appealling in a bright way (unlike "screams" of dreamcatcher for example) which also depicts the will of the Devil to hide his true colors. Indeed, while the song seems "bright", the lyrics are as dark as its title. As an example :
"I'm bothering you, making you dream about me, I'll dance and play as I cast a spell on your body in a nightmare".
It portrays perfectly the speciality of "satan" to seduce you while hiding his true intention (to cast a spell on you).
Indeed, since the begining of the MV we can see that Satan is already into Irene and Seulgi is shown deeply attracted by him/her, as you can see in the image down below :

We can also witness Irene wearing a white dress signifying that Satan is hiding his true colors, by looking beautiful, innocent and pure, in order to attract Seulgi.

Moroever, there is a scene where Irene shows explicitly although briefly her true face, at around 1:48 of the MV:

Furthermore, the Devil is directly looking at the camera, so at, us, the viewers. Satan is enjoying playing with us, the audience. Unlike the previous MVs we've analyzed thus far, "Monster" by Irene and Seulgi depicts the Satan in a more childish side, playful side. 

The following lyrics confirms this statement :
"I'm a little monster be scared of me"
-> Satan is portrayed as a "little monster" in other words as a playful monster, a childish monster who likes to play. But it doesn't meant Satan is not scary.



What do you guys thinkg about these MVs ? Which of these dark MVs attracts you the most ?

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