
MY Top Three Favorite K-Webtoons

The site/application "Webtoons" is where I exclusively read webtoons. Besides, my top three favorite webtoons are korean anyways. Do not forget to let me know your top if you have one in the comment section.

[Rank in order of preference]


|Original title: 외모지상주의
|Author: Taejoon Park (Paktaejun)
|Genre: Drama
|Status: Ongoing 
          Rate : ☆☆☆☆☆

■ Synopsis

    In Seoul, an ugly guy, decided to transfer to another school to start a new life. An inexplicable event happened instantly to him. Now, he can live in two bodies: its authentic one and a good-looking one.

    An official trailer on youtube is available. However, it is important to note that the official trailer on youtube might be missleading because this webtoon does not focus on cute and fluffy romance. The webtoon contains romance but romance is not the plotline. 

■ My review (it may contain few spoilers):

    Action, Comedy, Thriller, Suspence, Romance... This webtoon is a mixture of all of this. A lot of societal issues are adressed throughout the webtoon: Bullying, Societal Pressure, Poverty, Stalking, Animal Cruelty, Religious Cult, Gangs, Corruption in entertainment business, Juvenile prison, Sexual harassment, Slavery, Runnaway, Homeless, Abanbdonned child, Fights, Illegal and/or unethical scientific experience... Can you ever name one Drama and/or Webtoons that deals with all these serious and dark matters in such a pleasant and captivating way? Naturally, you cannot because only "Lookism" is able to be tremendously this amazing.The intriguing plot and the complex story are entertaining. The number of secrets and plot twists are insanely pleasant. The creator is a genius.

    In addition, the story telling is on another level, and the author Park Taejoon also is able to be innovative (Notable example: "Jedaichi Case Files" mini arc).
    The diverse characters are all absolutely unique and full of outstanding personality. Even if some of them are shy and not talkative, they are charismatic and have a strong presence. (Hello Jay).

    The drawing has improved immensely. What can we ask for more honestly? There is no way we can complain about the drawing.
   No wonder why this webtoon is well known among webcomic-readers. I consider "Lookism" as a masterpiece!
                    ■ My advices
    It is one of the most exciting webtoons so please, don not miss this masterpiece, do notwaste your time no more and go read "Lookism". This is the best advice I can thoughtfully provide to those who have not begun. 

   Secondly, until the arc entitled "Stalker", the story may seem slow and messy. But it's a necessary start and the author likes to develop the story slowly but surely. For those who will find the webtoon too slow paced in the beginning, read until the "stalker" arc's end at least. From the end of the mentioned arc, everything will properly start making sense. Indeed, there is a grand chance you willl find yourself surprisingly captivated. You will certainly be eager to read until the end. Therefore, do not binge-read it too fast because the webtoon is yet unfinished and the official story is far from being completed.

    Thirdly, in the first place it may seem the comic will focus on romance, but it is not the case. The entertaining story is more complex, and action-packed.

    My last advice is to watch the Cdrama adaptation. If you are interested, check out my review of the chinese drama adaptation.


|Original title: 방탈출
|Author: 10PARK (10_park_sh)
|Genre: Thriller, horror, psychological
|Status: Ongoing 
Rate : ☆☆☆☆☆

■ Synopsis

    Being trapped inside an hostile game, the principal character "Sean" has to piece together clues to resolves enigmas that will allows him to survive.

■ My review (it may contain few spoilers):

    This kind of horror story is habitually not my cup of tea, but I gave "Escape Room" a try because the drawing style allured me and I ended up liking the whole webtoon. This K-webtoon is now my second favorite webtoon, I did not regret my decision to start following it. 

    Being honest in all circumstances seems impossible, however for Sean "it's a piece of cake."The leading character's personality is veritably what makes this webtoon diverting and unique. He is not "politically correct", Sean "speaks his mind."In addition, he is intelligent. In every situation the main character remains calm, serious, neutral and objective. He never lets other feelings interferes with its excellent judgment.

    What I also find incredibly interesting is the topic of animal cruelty which is prominent in this webtoon. This comic is not only about a game of life and death. It also implies to analyses our reckless lifestyle, our vision, our oppressive culture, the forgotten existences of others (animals) as well as our discriminatory and brutal actions. This inspirational webtoon has a meaningful message for its readers. I do not want to spoil it, but I should like to state I eagerly share the leading character's point of view.
    A further strong point includes the helpless people Sean meets are harbouring a terrible secret. Each one of them has every appearance of being suspicious. We always doubt what the characters in this webtoon envisage. What are they up to? Why are they here? Will they help each other, betray each other or both? When and how? These are the questions that are stuck to our mind each episodes.

    The drawing's style works beautifully and harmoniously well with this genre.
■ My advices

    Do not be surprised if you see blurred weapons, it's a south korean webtoon sumitted to south korean law and reuglations.

    Even if you usually do not like horror story, "Escape room" can be the excpetion to the rule. The first episode sets the tone directly, so come ready. Do not read this comic too late at nigh or you might regret your decision! Enjoy ;)

    Note: There is no drama adaptation, or any other adaptation. I am desesperatly wanting a drama adapatation. I think Park Solomon or Seo Kang Joon will fit the role of Sean very well. I could see OCN adapting this into a drama pretty well too.


|Original title: 스위트홈
|Author: Youngchan Hwang / Carnby Kim
|Genre: Thriller, horror
|Status: Ongoing 
Rate : ☆☆☆☆

■ Synopsis:

    A reclusive high school student is forced to live independently, after a brutal tragedy. In his new apartment, he is facing obnoxious monsters who showed up suddenly. In the present circumstances, he has no choice but to confront them to merely survive, alongside other survivors.

    An official trailer on youtube is available.

■ My review:

    The beginning is highly attention-grabbing, because it is mysterious and suspensful. The tension is at his peak everytime a monster appear. We are eager to know what is going on.
However, I have lost interest as we have learned a little bit more and it seems to turn around in circle. It becomes predictable as the same scheme is used for each "arc". It's also the kind of the plot/story that was used many times. In all honesty, it is not that original or unique but it is still worth to read.

    The drawing is great and quite unique. 

■ My advices:

    If you have liked the manga/animation "Attack On Titan" or similar content, then this webtoon will definitely catch your attention.


Honorable Mention : Post Man

The plot revolves around an handsome young man who is famous on Postagram but he has many secrets that no one knows. With plenty of suspicious events happening, we are wondering what is going on, what he is doing, why he is mysterious.

The webtoon is a mix of mystery, bromance, romance, and action.

I highly recommend this webtoon. The story is captivating and the storytelling is unusual and refreshing.


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